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SDC conferendce bring together a group of expert thinker and doers across a wide range of fields to help share new ideas.
Seoul Designer ConferenceCEO Interview
“ SDC conference bring together
A Group Of Expert Thinker
And Doers Across A Wide Range Of Fields
To Help Share New Ideas. “
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SDC conference bring together a group of expert thinker
and doers across a wide range of fields to help.
SDC conference bring together a group of
expert thinker and doers across a wide
range of fields to help.
협업 문의: hello@kixiapp.com
상호: 주식회사 플레져아일랜드
대표이사: 손장훈 ㅣ 개인정보관리책임자: 남궁환
사업자등록번호: 669-87-03336
통신판매업신고번호: 제2024-서울송파-3068호
주소: 서울특별시 송파구 충민로 66, 지니센터 디동 5677호
전화: 070-8840-2717
이메일: hello@kixiapp.com
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